1) Clarke, Commentary, 6, 3.

2) Concordia Bible Class, August, 1919, 131. 132.

3) Luther, 14, 94.

4) Luther, 14, 109.

5) Expositor’s Greek Testament, 2,589.

7) Luther, quoted in Stoeckhardt, Roemerbrief, 131.

8) Cp. Art. Smalcald. Conc. Trigl., 461.

9) Cp. Form. Conc. Conc. Trigl., 795; Luther, 19, 1436-1459. 968-982.

10) Luther, 9, 24. 376.520.

11) Art. Smalcald. Mueller, 300.

12) Expositor’s Greek Testament, 2,616.

13) Conc. Trigl., 923.

14) Luther, 1, 1101.

15) Cobern, The New Archeological Discoveries, 229.

16) Luther, 12,717.

17) Luther, 12,734.

18) Stoeckhardt, Roemerbrief, 403-405.

19) Luther, 18, 1828-38; Conc. Trigl., 1091.

20) Luther, 12, 318.

21) Stoeckhardt, Roemerbrief, 610-612.

22) Luther, 12, 25. 26.

23) Clarke, Commentary, 6, 164.

24) The greater portion of this commentary on Romans is an abstract of Stoeckhardt, Roemerbrief.