1) Cp. Concordia Bible Class, April, 1919, 57 to 60; Fuerbringer, Einleitung in das Alte Testament, 49-53
2) Cp. Doctrinal Essay, North Wisconsin District, 1921: Der 46. Psalm.3) The last words of the psalm, in the Hebrew, may have reference to the kind of music to be used in playing this hymn, or they indicate the special form of verse employed.
4) For a detailed explanation of this Psalm see Lehre und Wehre, 52 (1906), 495-510.
5) A complete exposition of this Psalm is given in Lehre und Wehre, 65 (1919), January, March, April.
6) Cp. Syn.-Ber., Nord-Wis.-Dist., 1919, 9-75.