Third book of Moses received the name which me now apply to it because its
precepts are concerned chiefly with the duties of the Levites and priests. It
contains detailed ordinances describing the Levitic worship as it was to be
observed in the Tabernacle and afterward in the Temple. The laws in Leviticus,
mainly of a ceremonial character, constitute a handbook for the use of the
priests in the performance of the various duties entrusted to them. A
few supplementary rules to this Levitic law were added in the Book of
this book contains no direct Messianic promise whatever, it is, by the intention
of God, in reality one continuous sermon on the salvation of Jesus Christ; for,
as the New Testament shows conclusively, the entire magnificent system of
sacrifices was nothing less than a typical representation of the vicarious
sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which was foreshadowed by every bloody offering on
the sacred altars. And as far as the children of Israel were concerned, the laws
of sacrifices taught them that God is holy, and that man is sinful; that all are
guilty before His Law; that the man who transgresses His Law is worthy of His
wrath and displeasure, temporal death, and eternal damnation; that without the
shedding of blood there is no remission of sin; that the holy God desire.: to
enter into fellowship with sinful man, and approaches him, and appoints this way
of sacrifice as an atonement for sin, and through His mercy accepts the
sacrifice of the victim instead of the death of the sinner. Incidentally, it
must be kept in mind throughout the book that the whole system of sacrifices was
merely temporary and typical. “For it is not possible that the blood of bulls
and of goats should take away sins,” Heb. 10, 4.
No animal, no mere man, no angel, could atone for sin. God alone could do
that, and therefore He became man that He might be able to suffer and die for
sin as man’s substitute. “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto
Himself,” 2
Cor. 5, 19. All sacrifices looked forward, therefore, to Christ, the Lamb
of God, which taketh away the sin of the world, and on which God laid the
iniquity of us all. The usages of the Jewish cult were a shadow of things to
come, but the body is of Christ, Col. 2,
Book of Genesis shows man’s ruin and fall. Exodus pictures the great
redemption and salvation which God has provided. Leviticus follows naturally,
and is mainly occupied with the way of access to God in worship and communion.
It is a book for a redeemed people. Its teaching in the light of the New
Testament is for those who have realized their lost condition, and have accepted
the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, and are seeking to draw near into the
presence of God. It shows the holiness of God and the utter impossibility of
access except on the ground of atonement. Such is the main lesson of
Leviticus, and it is impressed upon us over and over again in a variety of ways.
We come face to face with the great question of sacrifice for sin. The stress
laid upon sacrifice is, no doubt, intended to give man a shock with regard to
sin. The book stands out for all time as God’s estimate of sin. To understand
the seriousness of sin we must fathom three oceans-the ocean of human suffering,
the ocean of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ, the ocean of future
suffering which awaits the impenitent sinners. What we have in type in Leviticus
we have in reality in the cross of Christ. The cross was indeed an exhibition of
God’s love, the love of God the father, and of God the Son, who through the
eternal Spirit offered Himself. But it was more than this-it was God’s
estimate of sin. The cross of Christ stands as God’s estimate of what sin
really is, something so deep and dreadful that it cost that. It was more even
than this, it was the atoning sacrifice by which sin could forever be put
away.” 1)
The Book of Leviticus may be divided into three parts: the precepts concerning the sacrifices and the priesthood; the consecration of Israel for the service of Jehovah by the cleansing of the bodily life; the holiness of Israel as the people of God in life and worship. 2)