55) Luther, 7, 503.
56) Clarke, Commentary, 5, 84.
57) Luther, 7, 506.
58) Cp. Potwin, Here and There in the Greek New Testament, 182-193; Theol. Quart., 22, 25-43.
59) On the authenticity of the doxology, see Lehre und Wehre, 1918, 408. 409; Horn. Mag., 1919, Dec., 567. 568.
60) Luther, 7, 539.
61) Luther, 7, 561.
62) Cp. Moulton and Milligan, Vocabulary, against Cobern, The New Archeological Discoveries, 130.
63) Luther, 7, 609—616.
64) Clarke, Commentary, 5, 97.
65) Luther, 7, 640.641.
66) Cobern, The New Archeological Discoveries, 127.
67) Kent, Life and Teachings of Christ, 127. 128
68) Hillis, Influence of Christ, 10. 47. 48. 76.
69) Clow, W. M., Christ in the Social Order, 82.
70) Strong, J., The New World Religion, 98. See also Rauschenbusch, W., Christianity and the Social Crisis, 56. 57.
71) Luther, 13, 167; 11,4S2.4S3
72) Luther, 12,1184.
73) Clarke, Commentary, 6,100.
74) Luther, quoted in Stoeckhardt, Biblische Oeschichte des Neuen Testaments, 69.
75) Luther, 13,1627.
76) Luther, 13,1628.
77) Expositor's Greek Testament, 1, 142.
78) Schaff, Commentary, Matthew, 160.
79) Lehre und Wehre, 1907, 360—369. Cp. Meyer, Jesu Mtittersprache, 140—149. Lietzmann, Der Menschensohn.
80) Luther, 12, 1920; 11, 1716.
81) Schaff, Commentary, Matthew, 167.
82) Luther, 11, 1722; 13,2442.
83) Luther, 11, 1857.
84) Luther, 11, 1865.
85) Luther, 11,490.
86) Schaller, Book of Books, 123—127; Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book XIV, chap. IV; Edersheim, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 1, 514—519.
87) Schaff, Commentary, Matthew, 185.
88) Luther, 1, 624.
89) Expositor's Greek Testament, 1, 163.
90) Luther, 3, 1079.
91) Gordon, G. A., Religion and Miracle, 23. 45.
92) Parker, quoted in Bruce, The Miraculous Element in the Gospels, 21.
93) Bruce, 1. c., 43. 44.
94) Cp. Lindberg, 0. E., Apologetics, 80—83. 165; Jefferson, C. E., Things Fundamental, Chap. VIII; Garvie, A. E., A Handbook of Apologetics, Chap. Ill; Whately, R., Introductory Lessons on Morals and Christian Evidences, Lesson V—VIII; Mulling, E. Y., Why Is Christianity True? Chap. XII; Benson, Chr., On Evidences of Christianity, Disc. VIII; Brace, C. L., Gesta Christi.