1) See Schaller, Book of Books, § 180
2) Luther, St. Louis Edition, 7, 6.
3) Luther, 11, 2344
4) Luther, 7, 7.
5) Expositor's Greek Testament, 1, 63.
6) Luther, 11, 2346.
7) Clarke, Commentary, 5, 39.
8) See Schaller, Book of Books, § 276.
9) Der Prophet Jesaias. Die ersten zwoelf Kapitel, 84 Clarke, Commentary, 5, 40.
10) Synodalbericht, Mo. Syn., Mich. Dist., 1904, 29.
11) Keyser, The Rational Test, 97, 98.
12) Luther, 13, 2676, 2679. Cp. Pieper, Christliche Dogmatik, 2, 76. 77.
13) Theol. Quart., 2, 350; 3, 408.
14) Lehre und Wehre, 1915, 242. Cp. Jahn, Von der Verlobung, 43; Luther 10, 655; Kretzmann, Keuschheit und Zucht, 76. 77; Theol. Quart., 20, 136-143
15) Expositor's Greek Testament, 1, 69.
16) Luther, 11, 296
17) Luther, 11, 299.
18) Luther, 11, 300.
19) Luther, 11, 332. 2105.
20) Luther, 11, 355, 2113.
21) Expositor's Greek Testament, 1, 78.
22) Luther, 7, 689.
23) Expositor's Greek Testament, 1, 81.
24) Luther, 7, 682.
25) The expression "with the Holy Ghost and with fire" may also be taken as a hendiadyoin and understood of the purging power of the Holy Ghost, by means of which He searches and purifies the hearts, Mal. 4, 1.
26) Luther, 7, 691; 11, 2130.
27) Luther, 13, 1575; 11, 2139.
28) Theol. Quart., 13, 219-232; Edersheim, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 1, 273; 2, 745.
29 Syn.-Ber., Mo. Syn., Minn. Dist., 1912, 36-41; Luther 7, 1733; Pieper, Christliche Dogmatik, III, 337-339.
30) Luther, 11, 534.
31) Luther, 11, 539.
32) Luther, 13, 1687.
33) Luther, 13, 1690.
34) Luther, 11, 545; 13, 1693
35) Barton, Archeology and the Bible, 98.
36) Clarke, Commentary, 5, 69.
37) Luther, 11, 1910.
38) Luther, 11, 1917.
39) Clarke, Commentary, 5, 62; Schaff, Commentary, Matthew, 95; Edersheim, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 1, 430-450; In the Days of Christ, chap. XVII; Dembitz, Jewish Services in Synagog and Home, Book II, chap.; Gwynne, Primitive Worship and the Prayer-Book, chap. I; Mercer, The Ethiopic Liturgy, 20.
40) Luther, 11, 353. 354. For a practical, extensive application of the Sermon on the Mount, see 7, 350-677.
41) Luther, 7, 368.
42) Luther, 7, 369.
43) Luther, 7, 373.
45) Cp. Lehre und Wehre, 1913, Mai-Juli.
46) Luther, 7, 406.
47) Luther, 7, 413.
48) Expositor's Greek Testament, 1, 103.
49) Luther, 7, 429
50) Tholuck, Bergrede Christi, on v. 27.
51) Luther, 7, 448.
52) Luther, 7, 452.
53) Expositor's Greek Testament, 1, 111.