1) Cp. Fuerbringer, Einleitung in das Neue Testament, 102; Concordia Bible Class, Nov., 1919,184.

2) Expositor's Greek Testament, 5, 173.

3) For vv.24—28, cp. Bom. Mag., 38 (1914), 49-59.

4) For w. 13—18, cp. Bom. Mag., 28 (1904), 161-175.

5) For vv. 16—21, cp. Bom. Mag., 30 (1906), 161-171.

6) Cp. Luther, 12, 529.

7) Although the doubts as to the authenticity of this passage seem to be well taken (cp. Theol. Monthly, 1921, 81. 82), there can be no ques­tion as to its contents being divine truth; be­sides, many scholars still regard the words as authentic.

8) For w. 4-10, cp. Horn. Mag., 28 (1904), 97-107.

9) For the entire epistle, cp. Luther, 9, 1398 to 1743.